At LaraVital we reward your loyalty. By simply registering and placing an order via our online shop, you will earn LariPoints which you can exchange for discounts on your next order.

It's as easy as that! :-)

value laripuntos

How does it work?

How do I earn points?

For every 10 euros spent, you will earn 1 LariPoint. So, if you purchase a 20kg bag of Natural-Extra Chicken for € 60.70, you will earn 6 points.


Where can I check my points balance?

In My Account, under the My LariPoints section, you can see how many points you have earnt any time.


When do the points expire?

The points expire in 12 months from the date of placing the order. Therefore, you must exchange the points for a voucher within 12 months of placing the order. When the 12 months are up, you will have one additional month to redeem your voucher.


How do I exchange the points?

First, you must exchange the points for a discount voucher. You can do this yourself, by clicking the green button in the My LariPoints section. An automatic code will then be generated that you must enter in the shopping basket before paying for your order.


When can the LariPoints be exchanged from?

The points earnt in an order will be available to exchange for a voucher and redeem once you have received your order. If it is your first order then you will not be able to exchange the points until after your next order.


What if I return an order that has earnt me points?

In this case, the points earnt will be deducted from your account.